
NAPS (National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme):

Purpose: A government initiative in India to promote apprenticeships and enhance the skills of youth by providing financial incentives to employers who hire apprentices.

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NATS(National Apprenticeship Training Scheme) :

Purpose:To provide practical training and work experience to young individuals, improving their employability and preparing them for careers in various industries.

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MLP (Market-Led Program):

Objective: To bridge the gap between the skills acquired by individuals through education or training and the actual skills required by employers in the job market.

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Scheme Candidate Registration:

Objective: . It aims to provide structured training and skill development opportunities. Please complete the form accurately to ensure proper processing of your registration. Your participation will help enhance your skills and improve employment prospects.

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Food Safety Training Certification (FoSTaC):

Objective: The Food Safety Training and Certification (FoSTaC) is an initiative by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) aimed at ensuring food safety across the country. Under this program, food handlers, supervisors, and professionals are provided with structured training and certification on various aspects of food safety and hygiene. The initiative is designed to build a skilled workforce capable of maintaining high standards of food safety in their respective sectors, thereby enhancing public health and consumer safety.

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